Huawei princess Meng Wanzhou back to China as a national hero

Meghan V
4 min readSep 26, 2021


She returned as a hero?

Meng Wanzhou - CFO of Huawei and first daughter of CEO Mr Ren Zhengfei has pleaded NOT guilty after making a deal with the US, which includes admitting wrongdoing in the business dealings.

What the US could not have predicted, even in its wildest dreams, is that detaining Meng Wanzhou would turn her into a national hero. Moreover, her eventual release symbolised China’s complete and ultimate triumph over the US in every domain and at every level, from values and ideology to methods and justice.

Media cover

However far fetched it may sound, this is the interpretation that prevails among many in China. One of the key reasons for this perception is the significant divide between China and the outside world, thanks to the Great Firewall. This divide is evident in the contrasting headlines of Western media compared to their Chinese counterparts.

  • CNN - "Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou reaches agreement with US to resolve fraud charges",
  • Reuters - "Huawei CFO leaves Canada after U.S. agreement on fraud charges, detained Canadians head home"


  • People's Daily English version "Meng Wanzhou pleads not guilty, reaching agreement with U.S. prosecutors"
  • People's Daily Chinese version "Meng Wanzhou comes back: no power can stop China's steps (forward)"

Chinese state media conveniently omits the facts that the deal involves ‘deferring prosecutions,’ ‘admitting to wrongdoing,’ ‘cooperating,’ and the possibility of ‘charges being dropped after December 2022.’ Instead, the focus is predominantly on portraying the event as a significant victory. The Great Firewall makes this kind of news possible.


The night Meng arrived at the Chinese airport. She was greeted by thousands of citizens, medias and we-medias. People were in tears. Her husband shouted across the crowd: "I love you". The national TV channel "CCTV", broadcast the arrival live, turning the event into a national frenzy. Nationalism and patriotism peaked.

As an ex Chinese, I find it kinda hard to understand and impossible to resonate.I wonder, among those who were there, how many genuinely felt it and how many faked and played along. It'd be concerning if all of them sincerely meant it from the bottom of their hearts.

Did they mean it?

If they are genuinely touched, and worshiped Ms Meng, I would admire their selflessness. Such a quality is not uncommon in collectivist societies that promote, advocate, and sometimes enforce collectivism, where individual doesn't matter and therefore can stop existing under certain circumstances for the greater good. These individuals, who could very well have just lost their jobs in covid epidemic, whose annual salary couldn't get them a pair of shoes that Ms Meng casually wears, whose couldn't afford to own a decent 2-room flat in the city where they work, let alone two mansion houses Ms Meng (in fact her husband) owns in Canada, see Ms Meng's detention in Canada as a significant personal sacrifice, a kind of heroism, suffering for all Chinese people against 'evil', 'rogue' Western powers.

What is it really about?

Personally I don't deny it appears Ms Meng's been singled out and picked on by the US, perhaps due to her identity and what she represents at that particular time. There may be instances of questionable non-disclosure in her business dealings. But whether those actions constitute a "fraud" is hard to prove. And US knows it. Canada acknowledged its complexity too, showing reluctance in this extradition case from start to finish, despite it potentially falling within its legal framework of its extradition treaty with the US.

That being said, it is important to note that US has been always firm about its punishment on whoever breaches its sanctions against Iran.

Fines for banks that breached US sanctions — Refinitiv › en_us › infographics

It never goes soft, even on allies (such as British Banks like standard chartered), particularly on allies...

US might have been thrilled when they found the connection to Huawei as they scrutinised HSBC for dealings with Iran. Such a a serendipitous find. Perfect 1 stone hit 2 birds situation. It is not clear if Trump inspired or approved the Justice Department's decision to arrest her, but he didn't even bother to hide the intention to use it as a bargaining chip on the trading negotiation table as he told the press " I would intervene in this case if it does US good, but China hasn't called me." That's where he overlooked or under-estimated the "collectivist" spirits. China government couldn't care less about her. Nor did Chinese people at that point of time.

The End

Somehow the case continued to brew after the arrest, with its trajectory shifting as the trade war intensified, Trump bid farewell, and Biden assumed presidency amidst uncertainty. So Ms Meng, in Chinese official narrative, is like David, defeating Goliath. She is welcomed home by her people - a billion celebrated it in front of TVs and computers. What has the US gained? Absolutely nothing and worse: millions of prosecution money borne by taxpayers (down the drain), and an alienating nation of a billion people...



Meghan V

Full-stack programmer, product manager, politics enthusiast and won't shut up about it.